Livingston County, Michigan Land Tract Search

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  • Land Tract Search
    Enter Township, Section, Quarter Section and click Search OR enter Subdivision/Condominium Name and click Search. $1.50 applies to this search method.

    Section (1-36):

    Quarter Section:

    Document Type:

    Recording Date Range:

    / /    to    / /

    Subdivision/Condo Name:

    Document Type:

    Recording Date Range:

    / /    to    / /

    Town and Range Chart


    i.e. 4701-01-100-001

    47 Livingston County
    01 Conway Township
    01 Section 1
    100 Quarter Section - Northwest
    001 Parcel Number

    There are 36 sections in each township.  Section numbering begins in NW corner of township.

    Section number "99" refers to Personal Property.

    Section number "98" refers to an IFT.

    Quarter Section numbers other than 000, 100, 200, 300, 400 refer to subdivisions.