Terms of Access and Use

(Effective as of September 11, 2006)

By accessing or using, you, the User, will be evidencing that you have read and agree to comply with and be bound by the following Terms of Access and Use:

Terms of Access and Use

1. Hours and Scope of Service: Service will be provided on a non-guaranteed basis seven (7) days a week (Sunday through Saturday), twenty-four (24) hours per day, excluding force majeure events, unscheduled emergency maintenance, and scheduled maintenance as designated from time to time by in its sole discretion. The County reserves the right to withdraw any service or services without prior notice to User, and shall have no liability whatsoever to User in connection with deletion of any such service.

2. Payment for Products or Services: As consideration for the online access to or receipt of user requested products and services provided by, User agrees to pay, at the time online access to a chargeable product or service is requested by User, the applicable service fee and associated convenience fee. All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE, in whole or in part. At Livingston County's option, a particular payment means may be required for the payment of fees. Currently, all fees are required to be paid by a credit or debit card issued under a valid VISA or MasterCard network affiliation, unless User already has a Business Monthly Business Account set up with the County that is current and in good standing.

3. Fees: rates for online products and service and associated convenience fees charged to User shall be in accordance with the current rate schedule. The rate schedule is established by the County?s governing authority in its sole discretion.

4. Freedom of Information Act: User understands that any information it provides to the County through, which is neither confidential nor exempt from disclosure under the provisions of the State of Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other statutes, becomes public record. Public records that are generally available to the public during an in-person visit to an agency may also be posted for online access through

5. Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights: All of the information, data, or multimedia files provided by, including but not limited to text, data, photographs, maps, images, graphics, audio and video clips, logos, the official Livingston County Seal, the 'LivingstonLive' mark and other trademarks or service marks, (collectively, the 'Content') is owned by the County or licensed to the County by third parties who own the Content, and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws.

In connection with accessing products and services, User agrees to the following: 1) User will abide by restrictions posted on with respect to any of the Content; 2) User will not in any way violate the intellectual property laws protecting the Content, including but not limited to, by copying (except as expressly set forth below in Section 6), modifying, publishing, transmitting, creating derivative works from, transferring, or selling the Content; and 3) User will not reuse, republish or otherwise distribute the Content or any modified or altered versions of it, whether over the Internet or otherwise, and whether or not for payment, without the prior express written permission of the County.

6. Limitations on Use: When accessing, the User is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to print or download a copy of any accessed Content, provided that the use of this Content is restricted to the User?s internal business purposes, and is not copied or distributed to third parties without prior express written permission of the County. User agrees not to tamper with, alter, or change in any fashion, any databases, programs, or web pages made available to User by

7. Compliance with Law: User agrees to fully comply with all applicable federal, state or other laws, regulations and ordinances while engaging any activity pursuant to the access or use of, including the use of Content received from